A Code of Ethics USDA Kennel and Equestrian Facility

(865) 202-2201
A Code of Ethics USDA Kennel and Equestrian Facility
Check back often to get the latest happenings at the Ranch. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook for exclusive updates, pictures and video!

United States Rottweiler Club Nationals 2023
November 2023
Congratulations to all the winners and participants at this year's nationals. Great event with great judges and lots of great dogs. Special thank you to Honorable Judges David Mckeown (FCI ) Vladimir Zec (FCI) and Eric Joseph(ADRK). Congratulations to my boy Aaron Tabor Winning young national champion and national champion with his dogs Ronny and Zumo. Congratulations to all the other entrants and participants. Was a great show hosted by my friend Kelvin Taylor Mountaineer Working Rottweiler Club. I brought some good dogs with me and was super happy with the results:
Ursula von der Bahnbrucke
V2 both days 18 to 24 Females
Igo vom Klicevo
V2 both days Working Males
Diva nik Rott
V1 both days Working Females
Welcome Uma and Ursulla!
July 2023
Two New Females Join Rocky Rhodes Ranch

United States Rottweiler Club Nationals 2022
October 2022

Had a great weekend at Mountaineer Working Rottweiler Club and great job hosting United States Rottweiler Club Nationals 2022. Great job putting the show together to Kelvin Taylor. The shows ran really smooth despite all the inclement weather. Congratulations to all of the other competitors spectators owners and handlers who participated In making this a great show. Special thank you to the honorable judges who traveled to attend. Neil Perkins FCI South Africa and Chantel Delafontaine FCI Belgium.
V1 V2 Best of opposite sex Top male show winner
V3 Muck x Alice daughter
RRR Sweet Caroline
1st 3rd
Loko Flash Rouse

Kahn V1 open male National champion USRC
Gundo V3
Zada V2

Need More Info? We'd love to hear from you. Please call us at (865) 202-2201 or send us a message below. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook to keep up with the latest at the Ranch!